Module 1 - Introduction
1. Welcome to the course2. Why Go3. Why start and build a blog?4. What about React/Vue/Angular?5. Getting setup and source filesModule 2 - Tech Stack Walkthrough
1. Introduction to Golang Part 12. Introduction to Golang Part 23. Introduction to Golang Part 34. Structuring Golang Applications5. Templating with Templ6. Just enough interactivity with HTMX7. Getting started with postgres8. Servers, routers and endpointsModule 3 - Creating the MVP
1. What are the minimal requirements?2. Doing some initial plumbing3. Embedding static assets4. Creating our first views5. Tailwind & Utility-first CSS6. Styling the Landing Page7. Styling the Article PageModule 4 - Managing Content
1. Choose your own adventure2. Writing in Markdown3. Parsing Markdown to HTML4. Frontmatter and Meta Information5. Making our code examples look nice6. Adding error pagesModule 5 - Adding the Database
1. What is a Migration?2. Our first migration: articles table3. Creating the Database Layer4. Showing the Latest Posts5. Slugs and Human Readable URLsModule 6 - Managing the Blog
1. What are the minimum requirements?2. A new layout approaches3. Introduction to authentication4. Our second migration: Users Table5. Storing passwords securely6. Authenticating users7. Remember me8. Managing posts using a hypermedia API9. Our third migration: Altering Posts Table10. Only show posts marked readyModule 7 - Adding Subscribers
1. What are the minimum requirements?2. Our fourth migration: Subscribers Table3. Creating the subscription form4. Adding some interactivity with HTMX5. Saving new subscribers in the database6. Verifying subscriber emails7. Our fifth migration: Tokens Table8. Email validation view9. Email validation tokens10. Sending validation emails with SES11. Making it all come togetherIntroduction
Getting setup and source files
In this video, I explain to early bird subscribers that the course repository is still a work in progress. I'm waiting to finalize the repository structure and setup guide until all course videos are complete, ensuring a more logical and navigable experience. I invite viewers to email me their GitHub usernames for early access to follow along as I build the course materials.
Hey, so if you're seeing this video, it means that you're on the early bird plan. I have not finished this repository yet. I have not created a setup guide. So I'm going to postpone that to the end where all the videos is done. So I have a much better feel for how the course is going to flow. And also how I can create a much more logical and easier to navigate repository so you can easily access code for the different videos and different modules. So if you want access and follow along with me building out the material, you can send me an email at the address that's on the screen right now, send me your GitHub username, and I will send you an invite link and you can follow along. But this one will stay in progress, work in progress until the end of the course.