
Getting setup and source files


In this video, I explain to early bird subscribers that the course repository is still a work in progress. I'm waiting to finalize the repository structure and setup guide until all course videos are complete, ensuring a more logical and navigable experience. I invite viewers to email me their GitHub usernames for early access to follow along as I build the course materials.


Hey, so if you're seeing this video, it means that you're on the early bird plan. I have not finished this repository yet. I have not created a setup guide. So I'm going to postpone that to the end where all the videos is done. So I have a much better feel for how the course is going to flow. And also how I can create a much more logical and easier to navigate repository so you can easily access code for the different videos and different modules. So if you want access and follow along with me building out the material, you can send me an email at the address that's on the screen right now, send me your GitHub username, and I will send you an invite link and you can follow along. But this one will stay in progress, work in progress until the end of the course.

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