Work In Progress

Learn How To Build Real Web Apps

Starting from scratch you'll learn how to build web applications with Golang by creating your own fully-fledged blog.

Sample from the course

What's included

This course is designed to show you how to build real apps using only Golang, both on the frontend AND backend. You'll be introduced to servers, refactoring, databases and have a more complete idea of how you can take an idea and bring it into reality using one of the best tools in programming today: Go.

Please note that this course is still in development meaning that the outline below is subject to change. If you feel like a topic is missing please reach out to me on: [email protected].


Module 1 - Introduction

1. Welcome to the lab


2. Why Go


3. Why build and start a blog


4. What about React/Vue/Angular?

5. Getting setup and source files

In Recording

Module 2 - Tech Stack Walkthrough

In Planning

Module 3 - Creating the MVP

1. What are the minimal reqiurements?

2. Setting up echo and our first controllers

3. Creating our first views

4. Wrapping our views in layouts

5. Styling with tailwind

6. Utilizing Go embed for static assets

7. Styling the home page

8. Styling the article page

9. Adding HTMX and alpine.js to static assets

In Planning

Module 4 - Managing content

1. Choose your path

2. Writing in markdown

3. Adding a post manager

4. Frontmatter and meta information

5. Serving content

6. Parsing markdown to html

7. Making our code examples look nice

In Planning

Module 5 - Adding A Database

1. Postgres and setup

2. What is migrations

3. Our first migration: Posts table

4. Adding the database layer

5. Showing our latest posts

6. Slugs and human readable URLs

In Planning

Module 6 - Managing our blog

1. What are the minimum requirements?

2. Separate from base layout

3. Creating a rough outline of the dashboard

4. Our second migration: Users table

5. Introduction to authentication

6. Salting and hashing password

7. Authenticating users

8. Remember me

9. Managing blog posts through CRUD

10. Our third migration: altering Posts table

11. Only show posts not in draft

In Planning

Module 7 - Adding subscribers

1. What are the minimum requirements?

2. Our fourth mirgation: Subscribers table

3. Creating our subscription form

4. Adding interactivity with HTMX

5. Saving new subscribers in the database

6. Verifying subscriber emails

7. Our fifth migation: Tokens table

8. Email validation tokens

9. Email validation view

10. Sending validation emails

11. Making it all come together

In Planning

Module 8 - Sending newsletters

1. What are the minimum requirements?

2. Our sixth migration: Newsletters table

3. Adding the CRUD operations

4. Adding a WYSIWYG editor

5. Sending a newsletter and idempotency

6. Respecting privacy: unsubscribe tokens

7. Updating base email template

8. Create newsletter email

9. Finishing up

In Planning

Module 9 - Going live

1. Optimize for the one-man army

2. Make servers great again

3. Setting up a reverse proxy with Caddy

4. Using systemd to run your application

5. Containerising your application

6. Zero downtime deploys with traefik

7. Simple Postgres setup

Early Bird

The course is still in progress. Grab a copy today and save $50 compared to when the full version releases. You'll receive updates everytime a new module goes live.

What’s included

  • Full course access
  • Influence outline of course
  • Access to telegram group for support

Pay once, own it forever

$75 $25 USD

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Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

Frequently asked questions

Who do I contract in case of issues?

Sorry to hear you've issues. Please send me an email at [email protected] and I will reach out as soon as possible.

Do you've a money back guarantee?

Yes. If the course is not to your liking you can get a refund within 30 days of purchase. If you're on the early bird plan you can refund from time of purchase and until the full course is released.

How much experience do I need with programming?

I designed the course in a way that it is approachable for beginners and intermediates. If you've never programmed before this might not be the course for you though. If in doubt, check out the episode "Introduction to Go".

Is there a trial or sample available?

Yes and no. There are preview videos available for you to watch before deciding to purchase the full course.

Can I have an invoice?

Sure. You'll receive on after purchase. If it's not sufficient, send me an email here: [email protected]

Do you offer any discounts?

For now, no. The course is already heavily discounted being in active development. This will change when the full-course is ready.

Morten Vistisen

Morten Vistisen – Hi, I'm the author behind "Golang Blog Course"

I'm a software engineer whom for the last 7 years have been working professionally on building all kinds of web applications and data systems in Go.

Working in everything from legal tech, green tech, big media and pharma; I've seen my fair share of Golang code bases and various approaches to build web apps.

This course is what I would have wanted when I started. It focuses on simplicity, YAGNI and getting things done. The skills you'll learn here has allowed me travel the world while freelancing on six figure contracts.

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